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Try TrustRelay for free

Faster, simpler Data Sharing Agreements connected with a powerful distributed query engine.

Illustration of product

Use spaces to invite a group of companies and people that will use shared data for a common purpose.

Organization Accounts

Accounts allow users to login and relate to each other based on their work's email domain.

Real-time SQL Query

Use our distributed query engine to retrieve data from decentralized data sources (no need to centralize all data in a single place).

Data Sharing Agreements

If you're a data provider you can use our templates to create a simple yet effective Data Sharing Agreements.

Electronic Signatures

Most Data Sharing Agreements should be legally-binding, this is why we offer you the possibility to use electronic signatures.

Confidential Computing

Data is a precious asset, we use confidential computing to safeguard it and make sure only the authorized people can access it.